Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Confessions of a Bookworm #3

Confessions of a Bookworm #2

Confessions of a Bookworm is a new feature hosted by Parajunkee's View.

With this new feature, we have the opportunity to get to know each other by making confessions!

My Confession:
I hoard books. Yeah, that's not surprising for a book lover, but I HOARD them. I still have books that I got while in elementary school, which was about 14 years ago. I also tend to check out a crap ton of books out from the library, both physical and ebook form. And then when the due date comes, I don't want to return them. I'll oftentimes get behind with my reading so then I have to rush through them so that I don't have to pay a late fee. And trust me, I've had to pay some pretty big late fees. It's just... all these books call out to me, and I want them all for myself! Yes, I am aware that I have a problem. At least I can admit it.

This Weeks Question Is:
If you would read only one book in your whole life, which one would it be?

I thought I've been asked painful questions before, but this one might top them all. I can't choose just one book, there are just so many! I feel like I have read so few books in my short life, and by few I mean like at least 300ish. Maybe Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas or Cinder by Marissa Meyer. Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard is also a contender. I think I'm now feeling physical pain with this question. So yeah, I think one of those three would be the one I'd choose. Heaven forbid I had to ever choose just one!


  1. I still have a ton of books from when I was in elementary school. I did sell some of the ones that I wouldn’t ever reread, but there is still a bunch of them on my shelves.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I've just never gotten rid of them, even though I should to make room for new books.
